Please talk to me

After hours of surfing through new and old friend's blogs, and after reading much more interesting stuff than just captions under super cute photos of kids, I was inspired to create a blog of my own just for sharing thoughts and to have dialouge with the outside world.....those of you who think about more than Barney, Thomas the Train and PB&J. I would love it if I started a trend among my many photo sharing mom friends (not that I don't LOVE the pics), I know you guys could use a little straight from the heart (or brian...., no that's my husband....see, it barely works anymore!....BRAIN). For what it's worth.......

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It's been a while. Sometimes I feel so full of thoughts to share and other times I feel totally dry. Im okay with that though. This kind of inconsistency typtifies my life right so it fits perfectly. I wanted to write an update to my last entry. My anger has greatly susbsided. In fact, I think I can say I have not been angry at all since that day. Frustrated and discouraged, yes, but not angry the way I was before. We were miraculously able to get Hayden into see his allergist that very afternoon (it usually takes weeks to get in) and get him on the meds that totally clear him up. So for the 10 days he was on it and the 4 since he's been off, we have all slept through the night. Very little itching. Halle has been making progress toward her delayed milestones too. Also, Hayden is now potty trained. This is so huge. Im trying not to make this entry all about kids and their achievments (Im always affraid I will loose your attention if you think that's all this is about) but I have to say what a HUGE relief this is. Because things were so difficult with his skin and all reprocussions that has on our life, we were making very little progress in potty training. All of the sudden, it just happened. I didnt even have to do anything. Again, miraculous. This was such a blessing and an indirect answer to my pleading prayer for some sort of relief from the intesity of my life a few weeks ago. So, God, as always, is so very faithful to me and I just had to share that.


MacD Kids said...

Yay! Glad you're back on and thanks for the uplifting update :-) We had fun yesterday! (Oh, but the kids never went back to sleep after they both fell asleep in the car ride home! :-( --- grrr.)

Shiloh and Samantha Sorbello said...

good stuff... see you guys soon, I hope.

Carly said...

so glad to hear that the anger has not been present. and great to hear that the kids are doing so well! you won't lose my attention on that one, but probably just because i am in the mom-mode as well and i very much understand. anyway happy happy to hear of your victory over the anger and the potty!