Please talk to me

After hours of surfing through new and old friend's blogs, and after reading much more interesting stuff than just captions under super cute photos of kids, I was inspired to create a blog of my own just for sharing thoughts and to have dialouge with the outside world.....those of you who think about more than Barney, Thomas the Train and PB&J. I would love it if I started a trend among my many photo sharing mom friends (not that I don't LOVE the pics), I know you guys could use a little straight from the heart (or brian...., no that's my husband....see, it barely works anymore!....BRAIN). For what it's worth.......

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I just received word from the Nuerologists office that Halle's MRI report read "unremarkable brain". As funny as that sounds it was good news and means that the test results were normal. We are very relieved. I was somewhat bitter the moment after finding out because it seemed like we went through all that trouble (emotionally) for nothing. But still, I'm glad we did it because we wont ever have to wonder if something could possibly be wrong even if he has other delays in the future. And it was a very meaningful experience processing through the emotions that surfaced through the whole ordeal. Now that she walks and talks more everyday there is little to be worried about other than the fact that she is boycotting her naps big time right now. Little Halle, the perfect little sleeper that she was, is becoming quite a drama queen in her toddler days. But I will not complain knowing that she is alright in more important ways that napping. Speaking of talking, it was so cute when I got off the phone I looked at her really close in the face and said in an excited sqeeky mommy voice, "your brain is normal!" and Halle said "MO-RMAL!!!!". New word. Thanks to everyone who reads this and has supported us in this trying time. More to come on other matters of the heart and soul........


Shiloh and Samantha Sorbello said...

yay for unremarkableness! :)

Jenny Schlenker said...

Praise the Lord! That is awesome news. Praying for you guys. Lots of Love!

Carly said...

hooray! i am so glad that she is mo-rmal :)

Jenn said...

Thank God. I have been praying and waiting.

Jesse Richards said...

Hey Brian & Erica! I finally found you guys!! I got married and totally want to catch up with you guys! Check out my web-page for my recent wedding photos!!

Hope you are so well!