Please talk to me

After hours of surfing through new and old friend's blogs, and after reading much more interesting stuff than just captions under super cute photos of kids, I was inspired to create a blog of my own just for sharing thoughts and to have dialouge with the outside world.....those of you who think about more than Barney, Thomas the Train and PB&J. I would love it if I started a trend among my many photo sharing mom friends (not that I don't LOVE the pics), I know you guys could use a little straight from the heart (or brian...., no that's my husband....see, it barely works anymore!....BRAIN). For what it's worth.......

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Well, it has been quite a long time since I have shared anything with the bloggers in cyberspace but I am back now and hope to write more regualrly again. The past 2 months have been rough. We were way over busy this summer and I, particularly, had too much on my plate. But, we learned some valuable lessons about how to (and how NOT to) plan vacations and how much is too much in terms of my activities outside the house. I wont bore you with details about those things but I do want to share that Halle had an MRI done today. It went fine. I was very uncomfortable with the whole thing but felt that we needed to go ahead and do it. She had to be sedated which was the part I was not comfotable with but it was not optional. It just seemed like such an intense thing to do for "just in case" circumstances. But, it's done now and we will know the results once we can get in to see the neurologist who ordered the test. I feel very weird about the fact that somebody out there knows if there is anything wrong with my child and has detailed inforamtion as to the innerworkings of her brain but I do not. I am very uncomfortable with this but there is nothing I can do but bother the receptioist at the doctors office incessantly until she fits me in to see him. I will let you know know what we find out.

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